Whole You

Whole You is distinguished by its EHR-centric, adaptive model. Utilizing advanced LLM & AI tools, with human oversight, we transform Care Plans into tangible Activities & Goals, tailored from users' EHR data. This ensures relevant, achievable health targets. Users are then guided on how to achieve these via our Medical Content Library, overseen by medical professionals, ensuring top-tier, relevant information. Beyond guidance, Whole You promotes engagement through badges, gamified features, and sharing. Users can connect with peers sharing similar health objectives, both within the app and externally via social platforms or local events.


Learn more about our product

Personalized Health Goals

Say goodbye to generic healthcare advice. Whole You uses our Clinical Translator API to transform raw medical data into personalized activities and health goals. This ensures you're always on the best path to well-being, with health plans and reminders that adapt as your health needs evolve.

Empowered Decision-Making

With Whole You, you're not just a patient—you're an active participant in your healthcare journey. The app includes a centralized repository for evidence-based, medically-reviewed content, allowing you to ask the right questions and make more informed choices about your treatment and overall health.

Seamless Integration

Whole You offers smooth integration into existing healthcare systems. With real-time syncing of medical records, appointment details, and other healthcare data, we minimize the administrative burden. This improves coordination between you and your healthcare providers, allowing for a more streamlined and effective healthcare experience.

Comprehensive Health Dashboard

Get all your healthcare data in one interactive dashboard with Whole You. Monitor medication, track hydration, view exercise statistics, and more, all in one place. No more juggling multiple apps or platforms—access everything you need for a holistic view of your health, enabling faster and more informed decisions.


Personalized Health Goals

Say goodbye to generic healthcare advice. Whole You uses our Clinical Translator API to transform raw medical data into personalized activities and health goals. This ensures you're always on the best path to well-being, with health plans and reminders that adapt as your health needs evolve.